client → Fortenia Immobilien – Treuhand GmbH AG
year → 2022


client → Fortenia Immobilien – Treuhand GmbH AG
year → 2022

Functional aesthetics: simple and timeless. Sustainable functionality: lots of warmth and light.

→Craftraum GmbH developed this project, which consists of two separate buildings. It contains six spacious loft apartments, each sold separately. →Fortenia Immobilien- Treuhand GmbH is in charge of marketing the property.

SOED produced a series of images for marketing the property on various channels. The main goal of this project was to develop a distincive look and feel.  Since the the project was in the planing phase, the style of the images was kept sketchy.

Pure concrete, cubic shapes and generous windows made of bronze – a minimalists dream.